Frequently Asked Questions

How can HANDLE help individuals with so many different kinds of challenges (labels)?

HANDLE  individually and uniquely addresses neurodevelopmental irregularities. Regardless of how the irregularities manifest (which in turn generates a set of behaviors that are grouped into a diagnosis), the same systems are involved. A HANDLE program works with these underlying systems. Therefore, HANDLE Activities effectively address the root causes of the situation, independent of diagnosis.

Do HANDLE Activities work for everyone?

Any individual can benefit from HANDLE Activities, because HANDLE providers adjust way the Activity is performed to meet the unique needs of each individual.

The results may be achieved in a variety of ways. A helper can physically guide a client through an Activity, carry out the Activity on a client or have a client watch someone else perform the Activity, thereby employing mental rehearsal.

Mental rehearsal has long been used by athletes, musicians and other performers.

Research has shown that when one imagines or watches an action, micro muscle movements in the observers brain mimic the muscle activity that would take place if one  actually made the movement.

How soon can I expect to see positive changes?

Each individual responds uniquely to their program of HANDLE Activities depending upon the complexity and severity of challenges they face. Some clients see significant results right away, within the first few days of doing their program. Others notice changes over a number of months.

Some clients do not easily notice the changes in themselves; they just live their lives with new capabilities and ease. Frequently clients first take notice as relatives, teachers, employers or friends make positive comments about the changes they observe.

Some of the first commonly experienced changes are:

  • Feeling more calm and less easily frustrated
  • Feeling more emotionally stable and recovering from upset more easily
  • Feeling more focused, with an increased to stay on task
  • Sleeping better and waking up rested

Do you  have to do HANDLE Activities forever ?

No. Once systems are organized and integrated and one becomes more efficient , the HANDLE Activities become “tools in your toolbox” , which can be used to give your systems “a tune up,” as needed.

How to I fit HANDLE Activities into my busy life?

Clients experience the most success when they distribute the Activities throughout the day, incorporating many of them into their daily routines. Rather than seeing them as “one more thing I have to do today” or approaching them as a whole routine, ” it’s time to do my HANDLE program”. A parent can do an activity or two as they puts the child into a car seat, help with dressing or self care. Adults can do some in the shower or even while waiting in line. Because most Activities use little or no equipment and take only a few seconds they can be done virtually anywhere.

HANDLE is a non-drug approach. Should I (my child) stop taking                     medication in order to do a HANDLE program?


Although HANDLE is a non-drug approach, we cannot/do not offer medical opinions about medication. If the medication is for ADD or ADHD, HANDLE providers usually ask you to check with your doctor and ask if there would be any harm in not taking or delay taking the medication on the days of your appointments, especially on the day of the evaluation. 
Frequently, clients who take different kinds of medication to control behavior or modify moods discuss a decrease or discontinuation with their doctor after doing their HANDLE activities for some time. Many find, after doing their HANDLE program, that they no longer need medication.

I / my child is easily overwhelmed. What if I/my child can’t tolerate  doing the Activities?

How much input any given system can take in and use on any given day or time depends on many factors, including what you have eaten, how well you slept, what stressor are or have been present that day, and many other factors. Gentle Enhancement dictates that we give the body and brain as much as it can use and no more. Even if that means you only do a second or two of a HANDLE Activity, you/your child will still benefit.

How do I decide what level of service is right (Screening versus full Assessment) right for me?

Individuals with mild learning or behavioral challenges are well served by a HANDLE Screening and a shorter individualized program of HANDLE Activities.

Sometime a Screening is not enough and a full Assessment is require because an individual's needs are more complex.

If you are not sure to what degree neurodevelopmental irregularities impact your daily life, you can contact a HANDLE Provider for guidance.

Will my health insurance cover HANDLE services?

Our program is non-medical and does not require a licensed health professional to implement. In the United States most health insurance companies do not cover HANDLE In some cases having a formal “mental health” diagnosis , such as Autism, ADD, OCD, has qualified clients for insurance payment.

Insurance coverage varies from state to state in the US and in other countries. Check with your own insurance provider. 

What if I can’t convince my child to do the Activities?

Frequently, when a client hears the presentation of the results of a HANDLE evaluation, they feel like they have been understood and validated for the first time. The non-judgmental nature of the experience usually opens the door to at least try the activities, which do not take that much time to do. 

I want to get started with HANDLE  but there aren’t any service providers in my area. What are my options?

You can travel to a service provider in a location that is close or convenient for you/ your family and contact them directly for appointment details. Some HANDLE Providers are willing to travel. 

Some HANDLE providers offer services on line via video platforms such as Zoom.

Check the Provider listing for details.

I am an adult. Can HANDLE still help me?

Our neurological systems continue to change throughout our lifetime. That process is called neuroplasticity. It is never too late to effect a positive change in functioning.


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